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Robin’s Nest: hair curls and Cannobidiols

American robin Wood chats with AhavaFelicidad, "The Holistic Hair Therapist" at her Montclair studio. NEIL GRABOWSKY/FOR MONTCLAIR LOCAL

For Montclair Topical anaestheti

Robin redbreast WOODS

Robin Forest is a local girl-about-townsfolk, writing astir activities, stories, restaurants, and interesting people that catch her eye. She's written memoirs and personal essays as well as music and fashion columns for varied Brand-new York City newspapers.

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Your hair is your top glory, but a bad hair day is something to dread. I visited with AhavaFelicidad, "The Holistic Hair Healer" at her Midland Avenue shop to find out how to keep on my whiske looking healthy and gorgeous.

Ahava's mother, the late Virgin Mary Ann Clermont, was born to the south and lived on a farm, where everything was natural. Mrs. Clermont was raised eating fresh eggs, milk and vegetables. No chemicals were ever so involved, which was important since she had some allergies. When it came to styling and caring for her hairsbreadth, stuff relaxers were unfashionable of the question. Natural hairsbreadth was the way to go, with a weekly printing press and whorl done at a dwelling beauty salon. As early equally age 5, Ahava did her hair her mother's way. As a teenager, she was very active and into sports, and her hair forever "popped back" too quickly aft swimming. Hair styling takes a long time, especially if IT's kinky, coily, curly, crinkly or very long. Subsequently training in a Vidal Sassoon beauty shop, Ahava became a curly hair specialist. She said that "there's nary need to square away or press out curls in everyone's hair. You can cut whiske dry, just without heat." With more than 100 contrasting hair techniques in her repertory, Ahava was well connected her manner.

Holistic hair practice takes into consideration the warm-toned, physical and rational aspects of hair, and Ahava includes consulting, haircare and styling into her business. Her face literally lights up when she negotiation about what she does, especially when showing her many signature products. Felicidad Whiske Gelt became available for sales agreement in 2022 and was inspired by Montclair residents Dr. Manuel Brown and Rev. Safiya Oni Brown, who espouse natural life sentence.

The hair sugar feels and looks care Shangri-la, and is batched fresh in Montclair. The briny ingredient is activated sugar, sometimes with aromatherapy notes of coffee, cinnamon, nutmeg or powdered ginger. My favorite one is called "Coconut Gamboge Cake," which smells so good, you deprivation to eat IT. In fact, that's what it says on the label. Hair sugar is a natural exfoliant and helps to constitute your hair more hydrated. Ahava took me through the steps, which are to wet your haircloth, contribute conditioner, and then massage the sugar granules until dissolved. Late skin cells are removed, and Ahava said it "helps with hair growing, Eastern Samoa the knead stimulates descent flow into the scalp. You've got to scrub to develop."

I've ne'er seen colored soap before, and Ahava brought out a solid chunk of it for me to get a line. The liquid ecstasy comes from Ghana, and is brunet and stone-like in dry form, but turns black when melted in water. She makes a shampoo out of it, and you can even wont it on your body. Complete of her products are chemical-free, and her mission is "balancing the population, one natural head at a clock time."

Ahava's clientele is as divers As Montclair is known to be, and she is deeply passionate about her business.

Celeste M. Munford, "The CBD Lady" from Third Twenty-four hours Hemp chats with Redbreast Forest. NEIL GRABOWSKY/FOR MONTCLAIR LOCAL


It was just a 40 yard walk of life from my interview with Ahava Felicidad for ME to meet "The CBD Ma'am," Celeste M. Munford at The Eclectic Chic Boutique, 547 Bloomfield Ave. What is a CBD? It's a chemical compound called cannabinoid, that is found in cannabis or marijuana plants. Cannabinoids are used as a natural remedy and do not contain THC. THC is the main psychoactive bipartite in ganja, and gets you high in heavy concentration. CBDs are holistic, natural and court-ordered in entirely 50 states, atomic number 3 long as they bear little than .3% THC.

So, why did Celeste become involved with CBDs? After years of working in the financial field, she wanted to focus on something that was "red-carpet, hip and trendy." Third Day Hemp is her brand of products, and she sources the ingredients from a distributer in Colorado. She is also into health and natural herbs. She invited Pine Tree State to poke into a whopping bowl of Elektra cannabis for a taste. Now, remember that CBDs do non pass on you a happy high, soh I wasn't getting giddy, giggly, operating theatre having a case of the munchies. I plead the fifth part well-nig knowledgeable more or less whatsoever of that, but I was at one time youngish and wild.


READ: ROBIN'S Snuggle; HAPPY AND FIT, Heart and soul



Of course, it smells equal what it is, and was identical dry with a somewhat acrimonious aftertaste. I unbroken myself from asking for just about "to blend in," simply it's constitute in Celeste's hangman's halter inunct, hemp flower tea, hangman's rope flower infused extra virgin olive embrocate, (bet you're thinking of preparation more today, right?) hangman's halter flus CBD kombucha vinegar, and regular a Kief cigar. That makes for a very nice natal day, day of remembrance, or Father's Day gift. Some better than another tie.

On a more serious short letter, CBDs can be helpful with controlling pain and inflammation. Celeste said that CBDs are beneficial for people who suffer from the extreme point annoyance of some types of cancer surgery Double Sclerosis (MS). It's also believed to help with anxiety, but I can't speak from my ain test experience. I am interested in the calming, soothing and relaxing aspects of CBDs, as I am so high-strung I can't even relax in an flavorer bubble bath. The edible and CBD hangman's halter pre-rolled products whol stimulate labels connected them as a notice to law enforcement, so that it's not mistaken for illegal marijuana. That's a thoughtful, helpful touch, and much appreciated.

Celeste loves the creative process and follows basic recipes when it comes to making her products, but tweaks things subsequently perfecting them and then makes whatever she wants. I asked whether she was planning to add baked confections, simply that might be something to do in the future. I will be the first one to sit down with her all over a cup of coffee, as her Important Examiner.

I was stupefied that Celeste describes herself as a very straight-laced and religious woman. She added that she "looks for things that are tingling, different and uncommon." She's warm, neighbourly, aerated and curious, too.

Her brother refers to her as "The Hemptress," and it's an apt nickname.

My day was well spent with cardinal phenomenal women WHO know how to make you look and feel groovy.

In this column:

  • • AhavaFelicidad Hair and Body, Studio PURE and
    The Natural Store
    4 Midland Ave.
  • Celeste M. Munford
    Third Day Hangman's halter

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